Free download FM PDF To Word Converter Pro

FM PDF To Word Converter Pro

Convert PDF To Word Doc format - FM PDF To Word Converter Pro, pdf to word, pdf to word/doc converter
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15 votes
File size
15.5 MB
Release date
25 August 2013

Editor's review

This software program can convert PDF documents to Word format.

PDF has become de-facto standard of documents in business. All business communications are done these days in PDF format. Which would have been fine, except editing of PDF documents needs Acrobat tools which are quite expensive. On the other hand, most people are used to MS Word to create and edit documents. This has led to a family of products from different companies that try to bridge the gap. One of the strategies is to convert the PDF to Word format and then carryout the editing changes necessary. Converting back to PDF also is done through a series of products from companies that can create PDF documents from Word format. Usually both these types are comparatively inexpensive and together they still give you cost advantage over the Acrobat set of tools.

This tool is able to accurately recognize and convert paragraphs, tables, bullets, numbered lists, newspaper columns, and other standard document formatting features. The layout of the documents is not affected at all. The text, images and their placement arrangements are maintained. It should not pose any barriers to adoption by any novice users; the tool has a simple interface. In the batch mode it will handle a bunch of files and process them together. Add PDF commands adds a single file from the local storage. A folder-full of files can be added by specifying a particular folder. Remove and clear commands help prune the batch list. This final list is used by the program to process the files in sequence. There is a direct access button to help documentation. This handy tool is good.

Publisher's description

PDF To Word Converter Pro is a powerful and accurate desktop application for intelligently converting PDF to easily editable Word DOC documents. PDF To Word Converter Pro uses artificial intelligence and also allows inputs from the user code to accurately recognize and convert paragraphs, tables, bullets, numbered lists, newspaper columns, and other standard document formatting features. PDF To Word Converter Pro outputs Word DOC documents that are well-formatted and easily editable.
PDF To Word Converter Pro supports conversion of PDF to DOC. DOC is a popular document format introduced by Microsoft and is compatible with most word-processing applications such as Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, Abiword, KWord, and also online productivity suites such as Google Docs, Lotus Symphony, and Microsoft Office Live. PDF To Word Converter Pro does not require any third-party software.
- Batch processing
- Built-in PDF viewer
- Command-line interface allowed
- Converts tables and tabbed columns
- Detects numbered and bulleted lists
- Recognizes several types of font encoding
- Detects font size, style and color
- Supports Unicode text
- Supports password protected PDF files
- Identfies multiple lines of text or characters as paragraphs
- Supports paragraph alignment
- Detects clipped text
- Image support
- User-friendly GUI
- Does not need other third-party software
FM PDF To Word Converter Pro
FM PDF To Word Converter Pro
Version 2.3
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